Objet de rencontres
Maya-Inès Touam
12 June - 24 July 2021
Charles-Wesley Hourdé and the 31 PROJECT gallery present Objet de rencontres. This exhibition brings together a selection of ancient sculptures from sub-Saharan Africa with a series of recent photographs by Maya-Inès Touam, a multidisciplinary artist of Algerian origin.
The exhibition Objet de rencontres originates from an invitation addressed to Maya-Inès Touam by the Fondation H. In the context of this artistic residency, the artist initiated a series of photographs entitled Replica in which she brought together objects from popular culture and traditional African artworks borrowed from the Charles-Wesley Hourdé gallery. The fruit of this residency, the Replica series as well as textile works created for the occasion, is presented at the Fondation H under the title Fil d'exil, in Paris until 5 June 2021.
Charles-Wesley Hourdé proposed to Maya-Inès Touam to continue this first collaboration by imagining an exhibition that would create a dialogue between the photographs taken at the foundation and the antique art objects that inspired these shots. The title, Objet de rencontres, refers to these objects of chance, whether they are of junk or heritage value, gleaned by the artist in the course of her encounters, as well as to the path of these same objects passing from hand to hand from their land of origin to their reunion in front of the artist's lens.
This exhibition, organised by Charles-Wesley Hourdé and 31 PROJECT in collaboration with the Fondation H and the African Arty gallery, is thus the result of a succession of collaborations and encounters.
Maya-Inès Touam was born in 1988, lives and works between Paris and Alger.
Born in France of two Algerian parents, Maya-Inès Touam has always looked at both sides of the Mediterranean. Her first questions concerned the ambivalence of feminine powers in the Arab world by carrying out a transversal ethnographic and artistic study. From this period, her current work is more rooted in universality and focused on the African crossroads.
A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, she has exhibited her work in the United States, Europe and Africa. In recent years she has participated in several events, including Voies-Off (Rencontres d'Arles), the 30th anniversary of the Institut du Monde Arabe, the latest edition of the Lagos Photo Festival and the MACAAL (Morocco) group exhibition, Écritures Ésotériques.
Artist's CV
Fil d’exil, Fondation H, Paris – France
Objet de rencontres, 31 PROJECT x Charles-Wesley Hourdé, Paris - France
Des Rives; Ready Made, Lcc Program, Casablanca - Maroc
Révéler l’étoffe, exposition-conférence, Fuller University, Los Angeles - Usa
Révéler l’étoffe, OZANEAUX Artspace, New York - Usa
Révéler l’étoffe, Galerie Myriam Bouagal, Paris - France
Révéler l’étoffe, Dar Abdellatif, Alger - Algérie
Lagos photo festival, Passeport, Lagos - Nigeria
TATE, Montresso Fondation - Maroc
Missing memory, Ghaya Gallery - Tunisie
Écritures Ésoteriques, MACAAL, Marrakech - Maroc
Versions Originales, Seen Art Gallery, Alger - Algérie
Fotohaus, Voies-Off, rencontres d’Arles, Arles - France
Kerkennah_01 festival de photographie, Kerkennah - Tunisie
Un oeil ouvert sur le monde arabe, Institut du monde arabe, Paris - France
Paris Secret(s), Le 104, Paris - France
Shelves, Hangers, desks, Le cœur Paris, Paris - France
Arkane-Afrika, 3 ème édition, Casablanca - Maroc
Exode, Biennale mediterranéenne d’art contemporain, Oran - Algeria
Bourse du talent #67 Révéler l’étoffe, Maison de la photographie, Lille - France
Exposition Bourse du talent #67; Bibliothèque François Mitterrand, Paris - France
Chouftouhouna, centre culturel de Carthage, Tunis - Tunisie
Résidence, Fondation H, Paris – France
Lauréate au World press photo, joop masterclass
Lauréate au Foam Paul Huf award, Amsterdam - The Netherlands
New York times, portfolio review
Résidence Etablissement 100 ecs, Paris - France
Mention spéciale du jury, Maghreb photography award
Résidence Jardin Rouge, Montresso Art Fondation, Marrakech - Maroc
Prix LCC, Fondation Alliances , Lauréate de la 6 ème édition, Casablanca - Maroc
Résidence Arkan, Casablanca - Maroc
Bourse du talent #67, Lauréate du prix mode, studio, beauté, Paris - France
Résidence Arkan, Casablanca – Maroc
Bourse de l’Institut français d’Alger via le collectif HAB.B.
Bourse du PSL Moyen-Orient Express#1, lauréate de l’appel à initiatives étudiantes
Wahed Magazine, couverture et portfolio
Catalogue d’exposition Des Rives
Bourse du Talent 2016, Les Lauréats, Edition Delpire
“La représentation de la femme arabe dans l’art contemporain », mémoire de 2013 aux Editions Universitaires Européennes.
« Art contemporain African: quelles perspectives pour quel marché ?»Attijariwafa Bank, Casablanca, Maroc
Muséecole, Rencontre autour de la nature morte, Marrakech - Maroc
« Inspired to inspire, between Art and culture, what nurtures your creative journey? », Museum of African Contemporary Art, Al Maaden - Maroc
Conférence, Festival circulations, Salon de la Photo, Le 104, Paris - France
Conférence et exposition « arabe ? Mode d’emploi» La Colonie, Paris
Conférence «God is back in town. Consideration on public art, secularity and the cité», Ophélie Naessens, Université Rennes 2, Rennes - France
Conférence « Culture et altérité », Sorbonne, Paris – France
2016 - 2017
Etudes prédoctorales en Esthétique, Sorbonne Nouvelle sous la direction de B.N Aboudrar
Prisma Média (PCM) stage, assistante du directeur artistique Vincent Le Bee
Obtention du diplôme supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Diplôme et Master, École des Beaux-Arts de Paris, atelier de Marc Pataut et Patrick Faigenbaum • Semestre d’échange à Beyrouth (Alba)